Tafakkur, as the Islamic faith calls it, is an act of meditation or deep self-reflection. It is a conscious act to review one’s actions and ponder over the creation as well as their purpose in life.
Unsurprisingly, a majority of the world’s religions adopt self-contemplation as a way of realigning balance in oneself with the world.
I often seek meditation as one of the fundamental paths toward spiritual enlightenment. For example, religious figures are known to practise this as part of discovering oneself.
Perhaps, it is something so innately primal which inclines Man to unlock answers from within, when the world has shown itself as much as it can.
Tips to improve on your own self reflection
- Contemplation can be done at any place and at any given time of the day, preferably at a distraction-free area of your own preference. Personally for me, I usually dwell at night and ponder over the events that happened for that day.
- Adopt a positive attitude on personal reflection. For example, review on the best things that has happened before scrutinising on the instances that you could have done better. I usually adopt a 3:1 ratio, where I think of 3 situations that make your day to 1 negative event. Studies have shown that we are greatly affected by our negativity.
- Events that happen are part of God’s divine plan. As a Muslim, we believe in fate and predestination. Everything that happen have a reason, which we believe shall eventually align us with our purpose. I often got into this thought process that we are not made to live, cherish or suffer without any meaning. Our lives must have a connection, a prerequisite in order for the next chapter of our life to unfold. Think of your life like a great book!
- Every individual’s timeline that intertwined with your life must have a reason. Muslims believe that our lives doesn’t just happen out of randomness. Events serve as a lesson. Figuring out why this happens to you is also key to find clarity in your life.
- Finally, I dwell on the near future. For example, if I keep on doing this, how do I see myself in say, 5 years ahead? Seeing yourself in a realistic time frame allows you to monitor your actions and remain guided to what you want to be.
I end this post with a verse from the Qur’an, for those who seek Wisdom.
“Indeed, all things We created with predestination”.
[Quran 54:49]
May peace be upon you.