Do we need to put on a mask in office?
Today was a casual Wednesday at the suites (my barber shop) with my client, Olivia Rubacava.
We rambled on the usual stuff like how’s the day, the environment and basically the entire monthly catch-up. Until Olivia told me about her work and how it affects her which caught my interest. It’s inspiring to hear about Olivia's struggles and how she had to put up with a lot of negativity.
Working as a park planner with a strong major in Sociology, Architectural concepts are an entirely distant discipline to Olivia and lately, her work scope are creeping into urban planning. Anyway, her superior has requested for a side project; to mash landscape and building studies which includes freehand drawings like elevation drawings, plans etc.
While Olivia doesn’t mind taking up this side project, some of her peers view this with a negative lens.
Maria, a colleague from another team — also happen to be in very good terms with Olivia’s supervisor — decides to persuade her supervisor to cut some slack on the project as it might tax on her already meeting-stuffed calendar.
Olivia doesn’t mind doing the extra workload as she sees the project can benefit her. Indranie, her colleague however responded with surprise.
“Don’t tell me you have nothing better to work on?”
Passive-aggression was thick in the air and it doesn’t seem wise for a comeback, especially when her colleagues felt threatened.
Olivia let it slide and smiled sheepishly.
Cultures can deeply be ingrained in us that we are unable to notice it. I used to adopt such a narrow mentality during my previous work. You only do things that contributes to the company — usually reactive, short term goals — at the expense of your own personal development and the department’s productivity.
I extended my sympathies while she conclude on her recount, which I sensed a hint of frustration as she lamented on the salon chair.
Misconceptions for being too ‘direct’?
My reflection on this begs the following questions:
- Does Maria assumes that by preventing Olivia from working on this side gig, a way to demonstrating welfare from unnecessary workload? If someone wants to do this on their own accord, will this be taken as offence and mistaken as being ambitious?
- Was Indranie threatened or spiteful when Olivia expressed her intent to work on the project as a way to enrich herself?
For thought
Our well intended actions can sometimes lead to the unintended offhand remarks that can be upsetting. This is especially apparent when the environment favors challenge and displaying one’s intention to progress can be seen as one-upping another.
Is it then wiser for us to tone down every time we inspire for self improvement?
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