So, I’m a bit of a klutz when it comes to starting afresh.
While others are going out strong for 2019, I’m fumbling my way to start while experimenting with what works for me and what doesn't. I ended up doing away with my journaling, thinking that it is getting irrelevant in this age to getting back at it.
No matter, I am reminded of the tale, The Tortoise and The Hare. Slow and steady always wins in the marathon of life.
I have been following this routine for about two years now — since 2017 — and I would like to share, with the hopes that you can have the same benefits that I have.
My usual day is separated into three distinct periods; the first hour of the morning, the first hour after lunch, and the final hour before I go to bed.
Morning is the most important time of the day. If we fail to take control of our start, especially when we are well rested, you can imagine how the rest of the day is going to work out.
- Wake up at 6 am.
- Drink water.
- Make your bed/futon.
- 5BX (A limber up method ala military style).
- Cold shower/bath.
- Say a little prayer and give thanks for another day to live.
- Plan your day (to-do list).
- Read 1 or 2 articles on Medium.
If time doesn’t permit, I always start with the day with a prayer and practice gratitude. I believe that counting our blessings is key to cherishing the life that has been given to us. I recommend saying thanks to God/Allah/The Creator for having this unique existence in the world.
I usually practice this routine right after lunch. The purpose of allocating time for this is to maintain focus to my mind and stay relevant, without losing much control to the circumstances of the day.
- Take a 15 minutes break before you get into “productive” mode.
- Re-prioritize your to-dos.
- Reframe my thoughts to think about the consequence of not following my intention.
- Break away from feeling helpless.
- Remember that things may not go as planned, but you can control your attitude, your thoughts and how you choose your outlook on your life right now.
It is okay to feel frustration and dejected. That is part of life testing you. Remember that if it was easy, everyone would have done it. Embrace these feelings and have faith in the process of mastery.
I did this every single night. Journaling to me is like a continuous cycle to improvement, which I borrowed from the PDCA/Deming’s cycle which is a project managing technique.
- Journaling on what I did right, what went wrong and what can be improved (PDCA).
- Indulge in a small treat for today's hard work (optional reward).
- Brush your teeth.
- Read for 30 minutes.
- Write your blog or on Medium.
- Pray for a better tomorrow.
Our habits are what makes us who we are. While this routine is something which I repeatedly do, they are also simple and thus, easily ignored. That is why I write it down in my journal so that I can occasionally refer.
So that’s it. I hoped the above steps can assist you as well to formulate your own routine.
Best of luck!